Case Study
Creditor Advisory Services
Private Debt Fund Portfolio Company
A middle market oil field services company providing contract drilling & completion engineering suffered a 66% year over year decline in revenue.
Turnaround & Restructuring Initiatives​
The company’s revenue had grown at a 27% CAGR for the 3 years before the sales decline. However, in the year before the sales decline the company reported a net loss of 50% of revenue.
On the heels of these negative results, the lender called for a third-party rapid assessment of the company’s operations and financial reporting.
Assessed management reporting and performed ratio analysis and benchmarking, highlighting the following problems.
Management reports contained material errors in utilization rates;
Reports included misclassifications between SG&A and Cost of Services;
The company failed to use the reporting system’s capability to present performance by line of business;
The company consistently underperformed its peers in gross and net profit margins.
Identified that in the year the company reported a 66% sales decline, two customers accounted for over 50% of total revenue. Most customers were smaller, below credit-grade, and were more likely to be capital-constrained.
Determined the company primarily served oil and gas basins with low levels of drilling and completion activity.
Recommended the following performance improvement and strategic initiatives.
Enhance management reporting and key performance indicators to include:
revenue and gross profit by professional, client, and basin;
billable hours and utilization rates by professional, client, and basin.
Rationalize operating costs through a combination of reducing headcount and tying compensation to billing and collections.
Evaluate CFO performance and capabilities to determine suitability.
Reposition the company to win business in more active oil and gas basins by recruiting a prominent sales and business development team and leading drilling and completion engineers.